Parties That Can Be Held Liable In A Truck Accident

Truck Accident

Proving liability in a truck accident may be more complicated than you think. You might think you just need to prove the other driver’s liability, and then you will be good to go to receive compensation. However, it does not quite work like that. Determining liability in passenger vehicle accidents is easier than that of truck accidents. This is because multiple parties, and not just the truck driver, can be held liable. 

It may be possible that one party’s fault has caused your accident, or several parties may have contributed to the collision. In case several parties are found liable, you can increase your compensation by filing multiple insurance claims. Handling multiple legal procedures at once can become overwhelming. A Portland truck accident lawyer can handle the paperwork for you and give you ease of mind. 

Potentially liable parties in a truck accident 

Truck driver.

This one is the most obvious. If the truck driver’s lack of responsibility to handle their vehicle on the road has caused your injuries, you can sue them. A truck driver is also responsible for keeping a timely check of whether the vehicle engine, brakes, tires, and other essential parts are in top-notch working condition. Therefore, if a fault in the vehicle is discovered, the truck driver may still be partially liable. 

Truck company. 

The trucking company is responsible for hiring skilled drivers and giving them proper training before driving on the road. It is also their duty to keep up with the maintenance of their trucks to ensure their safety on the road. Failure to do any of this makes them responsible for accidents. 

Cargo shipper and loader. 

Trucking companies sometimes work as cargo shippers for other companies. Cargo companies have the duty to load the trucks appropriately and make sure that the shipment is perfectly sealed. Improperly sealing the cargo can cause accidents in the middle of the road. Thus, the cargo company becomes liable. 

Truck manufacturer.

Truck accidents can happen because one of the parts of the truck, for example, the tires, the braking system, or the engine, did not work properly. In this case, the truck company may be liable for not keeping up with its maintenance. However, if the truck’s parts were incorrectly manufactured and had a defect, the manufacturer becomes liable. 

Government agencies. 

Sometimes truck accidents may occur due to the government’s failure in maintaining the roads. There might be a broken pavement or a soft shoulder that might have resulted in the truck driver losing control of the vehicle. In such cases, the government can be held liable.