Syracuse DWI Lawyer – What Can They Do For You?

DWI Lawyer

A DWI or Driving while intoxicated is a violation and a crime, which is related to alcohol, while in a motor vehicle, such as motorcycle and car to name a few. When you are caught, of course, a police officer will need to stop you. After that, the authority will administer sobriety and chemical tests. They need to determine the blood alcohol concentration or BAC of at least 0.08%. When this result comes out, you will have to face the consequences, depending on the number of offenses. This may include license restrictions, fines and jail time.

Though you were convicted, it is still very important for you to know your rights. You then need to understand the offense made as well as the charges applied. Basically, it is best to call a defense attorney, who is an expert in a DWI offense. You can always find law firms like the DWI Guy through their official websites or social media accounts – the best and fastest ways to get their contact number. Through this, gathering information about their services is also easier. Everything that you would like to know about this particular firm is more convenient to do online.

But of course, you should meet your defense lawyer personally to discuss about legal matters. You just need to set an appointment and talk about how he can help you. Pretty sure that you reached out to this lawyer because of his services, right? So trust your lawyer and let him do his job as an expert. Anyway, some of you may not really know as to what services a DWI lawyer does. Can he really help or defend you and in what ways?

Free Consultations

During the consultation, your lawyer will have to inform you about the criminal offense that you are currently facing. He will need to tell you everything about the punishments that you are about to receive. Click this for more details on the consequences. Anyway, he will raise a list of questions that you need to answer because he will use this to help you out of the case. It is true that tests were done, but these lawyers know the flaws to such intoxication analysis. Therefore, learn to trust and rely on each other.

Since he is a DWI defense lawyer expert, he can tell you right away about your chances of winning the case. Therefore, he is willing to fight for it. You may be in a different situation as compared to his previous clients. But he will know what to do after hearing the incident from you. If you think that he can really help, then the cost of his services will be discussed.

To Help and Protect

As a dedicated defense lawyer, who is experienced in DWI cases, you will basically defend your client with all your strength and energy. You have committed yourself to handle such cases. Therefore, you will do your best to ensure your client’s freedom by dismissing the case. That is possible when you can use good reasons, which you may read at The moment a client asked you to come at the time of the incident, you would surely find yourself available for him. That is how you advocate a client.

You have the right to have a defense lawyer, who can help you drop down the charges or consequences. He is doing this to protect your job, family and future. Let’s say that it was just your first aggravated offense. But if you end up, spending a year in jail, paying a fine of 1,000 – 2,500 USD and with your license revoked for a year or more, then it would make your life tough.

Well, if it had been just a misdemeanor, then it would be easy and you will just be paying 500 – 1000 USD. And then, your license will just be suspended for six months. Attending and participating a program for drinking drivers is even simple. But when it is not just your first simple offense and even an aggravated one, then there is a need for DWI defense attorney. He will give you advices and help in taking the right decisions, too. Remember that this criminal offense will be on your personal record for 15 years.